Thursday, December 20, 2007

Last Minute Christmas Gifts?

Need to snag a last minute Christmas gift? Try a Bible.
Okay, okay, so you don't want to be the "crappy Christmas gifts person" like one of your grandparents who buys you socks or that aunt who buys you sweaters with forest animals on them.
I'm not suggesting that you buy some cheap, imitation leather King James Bible with bad illustrations complete with a Jesus that looks more like the lead singer of an '80's hair metal band than a 1st century Jewish guy from a hick Palestinian town.
If you know someone who is a Christian or is thinking about becoming a Christian or at least doesn't gag when you say "Christian" then check out a Bible like the ESV Journaling Bible from Crossway (its what I want for Christmas...hint...hint). It has plenty of space for notes and comes in a cool package. I would definitely recommend engraving it because then you guilt trip them into keeping it rather than throwing it up on Ebay.
Also check out the NIV Archaeological Study Bible, The Holman Christian Standard Apologetics Study Bible, The ESV Literary Study Bible and the New King James (revised without the "thous" or "begots") Maxwell Leadership Bible. I'll post a translation philosophy chart and reading level chart for popular translations tomorrow to help you pick. Have fun fighting the other late shoppers at the Bible bookstore and watch out for the Nazarenes...they can throw down!!!